Monday, November 11, 2013

Who Am I?

In order of importance:

#1: Christian, truly sold out to Jesus Christ. No compromise.

#2: Wife of 4 years and counting to James. He is my best friend, true companion, partner in life, and I have never been more "me" than I am since I met him. One last gush - when asked for my greatest accomplishment in job interviews this past year, my answer: My Marriage.

#3: Daughter. I am the happy, blessed, thankful, non-brat only child to two amazing parents. I always have and still do have an amazing relationship with my parents, who continue to be great examples of unconditional love.

#4: Friend/Family/Colleague - the people in our lives and our experiences with them are what we want to never forget, right?

#5: Volunteer Youth Leader. I love getting to know the teens in my church youth group, and many of my favorite memories include them.

#6: Memory Hoarder. Literally.  I am - dare I say it?? - behind, and I'm ok with that.

#7: Scrapbooker: the reason for hoarding those memories.

#8: Close to My Heart Independent Consultant - this is a new venture that I am trying, and I am excited!  But don't worry, this will NOT be a "sales-y" blog. 

#9: Geek! Thanks to my hubby, I now love things like Marvel movies, Harry Potter and Smallville.

#10: A kid at heart! Maybe this shouldn't be the last on the list, but that doesn't make it any less true!

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