Sunday, January 26, 2014

Old Habits Die Hard ... But You Find Fun Things!

So by my left-brained nature, I am a chronological scrapbooker 99% of the time, it's just how my brain works, and we can go into that more some other time.  Well, recently, for the purpose of other research for event planning for my church's youth group, I spread out the memorabilia for the past 8 years of youth work I have yet to catch-up on (another dirty word, I know).  

Because I like to do all my youth ministry scrapbooking in a separate book, and because I like to share my finished pages, I decided that this is to be an area of focus for awhile, of course mixing in some other mini albums for variety. 

So I am launching the process of making myself a master list of pages / topics to be scrapped, because I do not have anything physical to refer to.  Some topics have memorabilia on these piles, some don't.  Some have printed photos, some don't.  Some have digital photos, some don't.  Some I still want to search for others' photos on Facebook to use. Multiple sources feeding into my memory hoarding, and my left brain just screams "MUST MAKE LIST!"  And I can imagine those of you that are far right-brained are cringing right now just at the thought of all of that list-making. 

But the fun of it is reliving those memories again, just for a brief moment, as a preview of what they will be once they are scrapped.  And one of the treasures I came across is the layout below. 

One of the things I do the most in my volunteer role for my church's high school youth group is to help or lead the planning of retreats and trips.  For our fall girls' retreat in 2006, I asked all the girls to bring a favorite photo of themselves at any age. And we then scrapbooked it as one of our activities in the hotel suite where we gathered, listing our own qualities and blessings.  This was my layout. 

It is probably one of the simplest layouts I ever made, but it is still a treasure and a good reminder, not only of that event, but also of my identity.  

So I leave you with two pieces of encouragement:
1. Don't be afraid to go back and dig, treasures await to be found and enjoyed!
2. If you never have before, find a favorite photo of yourself and document how awesome you are!

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